Cover letter! how ?

Step 1: Like many ways to write a traditional letter, we should always start with a greeting. In the cover letter, it is better to start with "Dear".
  • If you know who will receive your letter, just simply write their name. 
    • eg: Dear John,
  • If you don't know exactly who will read the letter, just greet in a general way.
    • e.g: Dear Hiring Manager, . Or, Dear Recruiting Team,
Step 2: After your greeting, you need to write which position you want to apply for. Normally, this will take about one or two sentences in length to mention abou the position.
  • e.g: I am writing this with regard to the position Embeddes Software Engineer which you have mentioned on the website ....
 Step3: Most of the cover letters need about 1 or 2 body paragraph, you should not overwhelm the hiring manager with lot of useless information. In the body paragraph, we just need to answer basic questions, like below:
  • Why am I a qualified candidate for this position?
  • What work experience do I have that fits the job requirements in the company's listing?
  • Why do I want to work for this company specifically?
 Step4: As an short essay, we will need to have a conclusion for it. This is where you will wrap up and discuss how you will proceed with the application.

Step5: End our cover letter with a respecful  closing statement and finish your letter with your full name.

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