What Is Object-Oriented Design?

Object-oriented design is a programming paradigm that began in the late 60's as software programs became more and more complex. The idea behind the approach was to build software systems by modeling them based on the real-world objects that they were trying to represent. For example, banking systems would likely contain customer objects, account objects, etc. Today, object-oriented design has been widely adopted by businesses around the world. When done properly, the approach leads to simpler, concrete, robust, flexible and modular software. When done badly, the results can be disastrous.

Over the years , we've made a science out of understanding what goes into making great object-oriented design. At the heart of great design are a set of principles and patterns. Design principles form the foundation of good object-oriented design and design patterns provide general repeatable solutions for common software problems. To introduce you to the topics of principles and patterns, we've written dozens of papers. Here are just a few:

* The principles of Object Oriented Design and Dependency Management
* SRP — The Single Responsibility Principle
* OCP — The Open Closed Principle
* LSP — The Liskov Substitution Principle
* DIP — The Dependency Inversion Principle
* ISP — The Interface Segregation Principle
* REP — The Reuse Release Equivalency Principle
* CCP — The Common Closure Principle Principle
* CRP — The Common Reuse Principle
* ADP — The Acyclic Dependencies Principle
* SDP — The Stable Dependencies Principle
* SAP — The Stable Abstractions Principle

source: http://www.objectmentor.com
name: hoang nguyen
net nick: mathhoang
Y!M: vietnam_hoangminhnguyen@yahoo.com

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